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American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Dedicated to the promotion, development, and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy
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While becoming a member of the ARBA is the first step on the road to making the most from your rabbit or cavy hobby, The ARBA recommends that as a new ARBA member, you consider joining a local rabbit or cavy all breed club as well as your state association. For those members whose primary interests lie in showing and breeding to perfection one or more specific breeds, joining the national specialty club promoting your favorite breed(s) is an excellent plan.

State associations also offer sweepstakes opportunities and the local clubs offer the opportunity for comeraderie among fellow rabbit raisers and exhibitors in your local area.

There is a wealth of information available to you as a member of local, state, and national specialty clubs. Most national specialty clubs offer a guidebook & newsletter that is printed 2 to 6 times per year. In most cases, the guidebook you receive on joining a national specialty club by itself is worth the cost of membership. Joining your breed specialty club not only entitles you to club newsletters, show reports, etc., but affords you the opportunity to compete nationally in your breed's annual sweepstakes contest.

Joining an ARBA affiliated local, state, and/or national specialty club is a way to learn more about your hobby; participate in shows and make lasting friendships.

Joining an ARBA affiliated local, state, and/or national
specialty club provides opportunities for learning,
exhibiting at shows, and cultivating lasting friendships.

Absolutely! There is much to be gained by becoming a club member. You and your new bunny or cavy will gain the benefits of years of experience from more experienced club members. Attending shows put on by local clubs offers a great way to meet other breeders who are always happy to extend their knowledge to you. Many new rabbit or cavy owners find themselves becoming hooked after visiting their first show and go on to expand their "Just a pet." hobby to become rabbit and cavy show enthusiasts. For the younger set, there are also a number of youth rabbit or cavy clubs that focus on members between age 5 and 18. A number of these youth clubs are also affiliated with 4-H Clubs and incorporate rabbit or cavy activities with this very worthwhile youth development program.

Simply choose the search option below to find clubs near you or those that promote your favorite breed. You can also search for Fairs that are affiliated with ARBA clubs and shows.

        Tan              Silver Marten Cavy

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