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American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Dedicated to the promotion, development, and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy
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We're all Ears...Photo courtesy of Leann Benson


The ARBA Legislative Committee is focused on reviewing all proposed legislation that carries the possibility of impacting the American Rabbits Breeders Association, its members and rabbit/cavy hobby and/or commercial entities.

As an active component of the ARBA, we are available to assist members who wish to review the development and implementation of current and proposed animal welfare laws and USDA/APHIS policies that affect them and rabbit and cavy breeders in general.

ARBA Members can now sign up to
receive ARBA Legislative Alerts!

It's time the community of ARBA rabbit and cavy breeders take notice of important pending legislation that has the potential to impact their business or hobby.

ARBA Executive Director, Eric Stewart and ARBA Legislative Committee Chair, Karen Horn.What are the ARBA Legislative Alerts?
The ARBA Legislative Alert system is a free opt-in e-mail service that helps keep ARBA members who sign up, informed regarding the issues that matter to them.

Why should I sign up?
As a rabbit/cavy breeder, you probably know that animal legislation nation-wide has the potential to control almost every major aspect of your rabbit/cavy hobby or business. It's critical that ARBA members be informed and properly educated in order to allow legislators to hear from you when making decisions that could impact the rabbit and cavy hobby and industry.

How do the ARBA Legislative Alerts Work?
It's simple. The ARBA Legislative Committee will e-mail you the information you need to be an effective advocate for your rabbit/cavy hobby or business. Updates keep you informed about the latest news from state to state and Washington, D.C. Action alerts let you know when and how to contact your elected officials to influence important votes and decisions.

How do I sign up for the ARBA Legislative Alerts?
You can sign up online via our handy opt-in form below. All you need is an Internet e-mail account.

What if I don't have an Internet e-mail account?
Ask rabbit and cavy breeders who do, to see to it each alert is posted on your district's Yahoo or facebook online group. Alerts can also be printed in club newsletters to make sure the word gets out. The ARBA will also print items in the bi-monthy publication - Domestic Rabbits and of course periodic posts will be made on the ARBA official website:

With the help of ARBA Legislative Alerts, we can help educate our members to enable them to act proactively in helping to preserve their interests as educated and responsible rabbit and cavy breeders.

How do I report my legislative concerns?
Please report any legislative concerns you may have to either your District Director or Karen Horn: We're a small team and need your help to follow any upcoming legislation.


ARBA Legislative Update--Sign Up Today!

Items marked with an * are required



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Check Your Zoning Laws

What is the Legislative Committee?

Kayden, her father, Josh, and her sister, Madison Lydsky, pose with Sandy the bunny.

North Haven, CT v. Sandy the Rabbit

August 2012 - The ARBA Legislative Committee was alerted to a small fiasco including a neighbor's complaint over a Flemish Giant. The town ultimately decided not to make the family get rid of their pet rabbit, but to do so requires a change in their zoning laws. ARBA was able to supply to the town with our Minimum Care Standards and help advise how to write zoning laws for a multi-use animal.

Read News Article

ARBA Legislative Committee Update...

October 31, 2013

USDA Animal Care will host a series of Retail Pet Store Rule webinars in November and December. We are inviting you to participate in any or all of these webinars to talk directly with us about how this rule may or may not affect your business. Webinars will be held Thursdays from 2 PM to 3 PM EST for a four-week period. The schedule of topics for the webinars is as follows:

  • November 7Am I regulated under USDA's Retail Pet Store Rule?
  • November 14How will USDA implement the Retail Pet Store Rule?
  • November 21What is USDA's inspection process in a home?
  • December 5How will USDA enforce the Retail Pet Store Rule?

To register to participate in the November 7th webinar, please click on the following link:

Registration for each subsequent webinar will open following the end of the previous week's webinar. At the proper time, please visit the Animal Care website at: if you wish to register for a subsequent webinar.

We look forward to speaking with you during the webinars.

For further details on the USDA Retail Pet Store Rule, please click the link below...

USDA Restores Important Check and Balance on
Retail Pet Sales to Ensure Health, Humane Treatment


American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.